Sensitive skin: can I use retinol?

What is retinol?

The benchmark anti-aging active ingredient, retinol is one of the three forms of vitamin A, along with retinal and retinoic acid. Its small molecular size enables it to penetrate deep into the skin, demonstrating a high level of efficacy.

What are the benefits of retinol?

1. Prevent and reduce the signs of aging

Retinol stimulates the action of fibroblasts, which in turn are involved in the synthesis of collagen and elastin fibers. Collagen and elastin are two dermal proteins that contribute to skin firmness and support. Using retinol reinforces their action, for smoother, more toned skin, preventing and attenuating the signs of aging (fine lines and wrinkles, sagging skin).

Retinol also has antioxidant properties. In fact, it neutralizes free radicals, the harmful molecules (caused by stress, pollution, smoking, etc.) that break down the skin's proteins and healthy cells, accelerating its ageing process.

2. Fight imperfections

By stimulating cell renewal, retinol has a keratolytic action: it eliminates dead cells from the skin's surface. This action unclogs pores and refines skin texture. As a result, the appearance of imperfections such as blackheads and blackheads is reduced, making retinol an ideal ally for combination to oily skin.
Finally, thanks to its brightening properties, retinol reduces the marks left by imperfections.

3. Reduce dark spots

Retinol is renowned for its anti-spot properties, since it regulates the synthesis of melanin, responsible for the appearance of brown spots on the skin's surface. It thus contributes to a more even skin tone.

Is retinol suitable for sensitive skin?

Retinol's benefits are accompanied by a recognized irritant potential. Indeed, it can cause redness and discomfort in people with sensitive, even atopic, skin. For this reason, European regulations limit its cosmetic concentration to 0.3%.

What's more, retinol is photosensitive, which means it can react to light and increase skin sensitivity if exposed to UV rays. This is why we recommend using retinol at night, and applying sun protection the following day.

Finally, as a precaution, retinol is not recommended for pregnant and/or breast-feeding women.

Is PERS Retinol Serum suitable for sensitive skin?

Aware of the benefits of retinol, as well as its drawbacks, we have developed our serum accordingly. PERS Retinol Concentrate Serum contains 2% of a natural pro-retinol or retinol booster for sensitive skin. This molecule prevents the natural degradation of retinol in the skin, so retinol's efficacy is maintained for longer without the need for an excessively high dose.

This new generation of retinol serum is better tolerated by sensitive or mature skins, while delivering real efficacy.

We tested the serum on a panel of 40 volunteers over a two-month period, 50% of whom were multi-ethnic and 50% with sensitive skin, to ensure results and safe use.

We recommend applying PERS Retinol Concentrate Serum 1 evening out of 2, alternating with REPAIR skincare. However, if your skin is too tight, sensitive or irritated, or after too much sun exposure, we recommend that you apply the REPAIR cream first, before gradually alternating with the STIMULATE step.